Early Screening, Endless Possibilities:
Autism Care for ALL of New Mexico


New Mexico Autism Collaboration, Consultation, Evaluation, and Specialty Services (NM ACCESS)

Due to extreme shortages of specialty providers across New Mexico, families are waiting between 18 to 24 months for an autism screening or evaluation. That is unacceptable and our health system is failing our youngest children. Our goal is to enable every family in New Mexico to have timely access to specialty services and early autism screening/evaluations.

COVID allowed for the adoption of telehealth technology for use in standard autism screening and evaluation procedures, and now telehealth is commonplace for most clinical services. Research has shown autism evaluations completed via telehealth are just as accurate and stable as those completed via standard in-person. NM ACCESS is one of the only autism providers to incorporate the advantages of telehealth into our clinical evaluations and make autism screening/evaluations easily accessible to ALL families across NM.

The use of technology allows NM ACCESS to meet with you in the comfort of your own home as opposed to having to travel to a doctor’s office, regardless if the trip is across town or across the state. Our telehealth autism screenings and evaluations are delivered with the same fidelity, accuracy, and satisfaction as those specialists who only offer in-person evaluations in Albuquerque, Santa Fe, or Las Cruces.

Families who have completed telehealth autism screening and/or evaluations with NM ACCESS have reported being highly satisfied and every parent has stated they would highly recommend NM ACCESS telehealth services to another parent in the same situation. Families reported their children were comfortable, the clinicians were able to see behaviors they were concerned about, and the convenience of the evaluation as reasons why they would recommend the service.

Finally, to safeguard your child from misidentification, our clinicians will schedule an expedited in-person evaluation if they are unable to make a conclusive determination during the telehealth visit.

Skip the long waitlists by giving us a call.

Let's connect online and get started!